Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Work of the Week: Pusillanimous and Weekly 100 Words

And, I'm adding a new meme to my Word of the Week, it's called Weekly One-hundred Words or WOW. I first read of this at Southern Fiber Reads and thought it sounded so cool!

This meme is hosted by Ruthi at Ruthi Reads!  The object is simple:  share exactly 100 words from the book you are currently reading, and no spoilers!  Be sure to include your book's title, author, and page number in your post.  Head over to Ruthi's site and add your link to your book!  Happy Reading!
Here are my 100 words from Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein p58:

"...I realized that the journalists who were most outraged by Pop were the ones who would've been the daughters--metaphorically or literally--of 1970s feminists, girls who had been stuffed into endless pairs of shapeless overalls (which in itself would scar a person for life). Their moms had doubtless been well meaning, but their ideals were misguided. And boring. And they backfired: there was no way all those Carries, Terris, Randis, and Jos were going to inflict that neutered femininity on their daughters. When they had children, then--which coincided with marketer's discovery of the power of microsegmentation by age and sex--they were..."

Enjoy your day!!!


  1. Love the choice of the cowardly lion photo for the definition illustration :)
    I am looking forward to your review of Cinderella ate my daughter...have been considering picking that one up.

  2. I really like your words of the week posts. This is a word that I allows want to use, but I'm worried I'll either misuse it or mispronounce it.

  3. BookGirl,it's funny everytime i have ever thought of the word, i think of the cowardly lion and i'm almost finished with that book and it's pretty amazing.

    Shannon, Ok this is going to sound wayyy dorky, but when I don't quite know how to pronounce a word nowadays i go to dictionary.com it has a feature that allows you to hear the word. and, well, that's a lot of fun! and, thank-you! i love words...sigh...



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