Friday, January 24, 2014

Pecha Kucha

Ok, so my honors kids usually do a literary timeline about a month into this semester. We do them on the Promethean board and the info and results can be seen here and here. We usually spend a long class period (hour and 28 minute class period) on it, I monitor their progress as they use their books, notes et cetera to label and move things on the board. The results are nice, but over the years the timelines have morphed into something that I'm not sure is helping the students as last year they used their phones more than their notes and they argued more than they collaborated. I spent Christmas Break (show me a teacher who doesn't work on school stuff when they should be having time off and I'll show you how that's not really the case at all) trying to find a way to square that circle. I found this-a Pecha Kucha presentation. I'd like to give credit to the person who created this gem, but alas I can't as their name is not on it...anywhere. I decided that Pecha Kucha would be the way to go for literary timeline discussion this only took a little bit of research...the short of which can be found below:
Pecha Kucha A gathering of ideas where each presentation consists of 20 images (at the least 14 images) for 20 seconds apiece, for a total time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds, if you have all 20 slides or images.
Can't figure out how to pronounce it? Start here! 
The long of which can be found here. This is an excellent place to get everything you need and more. There's not only the history, but there's also:

Getting Started
General Design Tips
The Big Event
Ingredients and Video Examples

And, in bullet form:

  • The Pecha Kucha style comes from Japan; it means "chit chat".
  • Pictures only, no bullet points...programmed to rotate 20 seconds per slide.
  • Just because you have 20 slides doesn't mean you have to have 20 points...what are the five-ten essential things you want to say.
  • In my case, because there are no bullet points the students listening get to decide what is essential.
  • There's no one way to give a pecha kucha ( that supposed to be capitalized?).
  • Look at Youtube for, here or here...these are examples I like (Pecha Kuchas explaining Pecha Kucha *mind blown*).

I created my own version of the Pecha Kucha guidelines from the ones I originally found (calendar can be found here), eventually I will perfect this Pecha Kucha I made to present the idea to the students.

I can't wait to see the literary timeline results!

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