Season 4
Spin the Bottle
Ben questions Felicity's relationship with Noel and confidently predicts that she will soon try to win back Ben. Felicity and Noel decide to get an apartment together. Sean gets very excited about Julie's impending visit, and makes a lot of plans. He gives Ben the impression that Julie came to town specifically to see Sean. Ben learns that Julie is actually in town for an audition, and warns her of Sean's intentions. Sean is crushed to realize that Julie still doesn't have feelings for him. Julie makes a move on Ben. Felicity insists that she has no problem with this, while Sean is outraged. Felicity accuses Ben of using Julie to make her jealous. She tries to "protect" Julie by agreeing to a double date. Ben upsets Felicity at the restaurant by mentioning the brief time they lived together and the girl who used their bathtub. He laughs about the fact that Felicity was always worried that he would cheat, and ended up cheating on him. Sean runs into a devastated Meghan at a bar. He convinces her to join him at a concert. They return to the loft to find their friends drinking while listening to Julie sing. Meghan convinces everyone to play "spin the bottle." Felicity seethes when Ben and Julie share a long kiss. Noel runs out. Sean apologizes to Meghan and asks for forgiveness, but she doesn't want to give him another chance. Noel tells Felicity that she will never get over Ben. He dumps her and prepares to move into the new apartment alone.
Favorite Quote
Noel: The thing is, I've always wanted to live somewhere with you. Ever since I met you. But I realize tonight that it's not gonna happen.
Felicity: What do you mean?
Noel: It's OK. I guess, you know, 'cause it's... because it's, you know, just a fact. But I'll never inhabit you the way that Ben does.
Felicity: Noel. That is not true.
Noel: Whatever he did... to make you break up with him... wasn't enough. You will never be over Ben.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesFelicity: What do you mean?
Noel: It's OK. I guess, you know, 'cause it's... because it's, you know, just a fact. But I'll never inhabit you the way that Ben does.
Felicity: Noel. That is not true.
Noel: Whatever he did... to make you break up with him... wasn't enough. You will never be over Ben.
True love, awkward kissing game, Benalicious
A Perfect Match
Felicity is confused when Ben begins dropping by her apartment frequently. However, he is not ready to get back together. Mrs. Covington is a match for her husband, but he refuses to let her donate part of her liver. Mr. Covington urges Ben to consider forgiving Felicity, as he feels that love is the only thing that really matters. Felicity plans to fly home for Christmas vacation. Sean finds a client for Noel's graphics firm, and suggests that they form a partnership. Sean throws a fit and blows the deal when the client rejects one small aspect of their presentation. Javier and Rita join a video dating service. They try to pick each other's dates, with disastrous results.
Favorite Quote
Ben: I thought you'd still be here.
Felicity: My flight was delayed.
Ben: You asked me last night why I stopped by. It's because I miss you.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesFelicity: My flight was delayed.
Ben: You asked me last night why I stopped by. It's because I miss you.
Airport kissing, yearning, I love a good romance

The Break-Up Kit
Felicity agrees to give Ben some space to sort out his feelings. Avery convinces him to come to her cabin and hang out with her friends. Avery kisses Ben. Meghan shares his whereabouts with Felicity. She later warns Ben not to hurt Felicity because she loves her "like she was my weird, spastic little baby sister." Noel tries to console Felicity, but she fears that she gave up on Ben too easily. She determines that she must go to Southampton to talk with him. Felicity makes it clear that she loves Ben and wants to work through their problems together, but he remains confused. Ben realizes that Avery doesn't really understand him after she offers sympathy over a hard-earned B-minus, when he had actually been proud of the grade. He seeks out Felicity and apologizes, just as Noel was trying to make a move on her. Sean belittles Meghan for holding a seance. She pretends to contact his dead grandmother. He finds this insulting and tries to get revenge, but Meghan stays one step ahead of him. Molly returns from England. She accidentally injures Elena's eyes during a facial, leaving her temporarily blinded. A young man named DeForrest sympathizes with Elena and offers to take notes for her. She agrees to a date with him, then regains her sight and discovers that he is quite large. Although Elena is hesitant to go out with him, they end up having a good time.
Favorite Quote
Meghan: When Felicity and I first met we were not friends, we were roommates. And I didn't even like her. I thought she was just some loser, prissy, navel-gazing, self-centered, whiny, overly-introspective little freak.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesSean and Meghan banter, all sorts of Meghan focus, I can't get enough of Ben and Felicity

Final Answer
Felicity and Ben try to avoid one another until the end of finals, but cannot keep their hands off each other. They plan to spend the summer together in Palo Alto, where Ben has taken a construction job to pay for his tuition. Felicity's art history professor mentions the possibility of an internship at a museum, provided that she performs well on the final. Ben rents a hotel room to unwind after completing his finals. Felicity joins him, although she has yet to take her art history exam. They lose track of time while making out naked, and Felicity misses her final. Ben secretly tracks down the professor and takes responsibility for Felicity's absence. Professor Morton agrees to give Felicity one day to complete a take-home essay. Ben helps her complete the paper overnight; she gets an A and is offered the internship. Julie agrees to a date with Sean, who begins obsessing over every detail. Ruby reveals that Wade has asked her to marry him, and plans to accept for the good of her child. Noel asks her to stay, expressing a willingness to commit to her. Sean, Richard and Ruby catch Julie and Noel making out. Sean is heartbroken, but winds up sharing a kiss with Meghan. Noel tries to explain that he was under the influence of Meghan's "smart cookies." Ruby is not angry with Noel, but feels that she is placing unreasonable demands on him. She decides to move back into her parents' house. Tracy announces that he wants to sleep with Elena after all. Meghan warns Elena of the dangers of coming between Tracy and his spirituality. Elena pushes Tracy away, although he initially has trouble understanding her decision.
Favorite Quote
Meghan: (to Sean and Richard) You guys are like two creepy pornographers...
Sean: Oh, come on!
Meghan: Let me finish. That I used to date.
Sean: Oh, come on!
Meghan: Let me finish. That I used to date.
Meghan (to Elena): Let me explain something to you. You sleep with a religious virgin, it's like he's breaking up with God to date you. And let me tell you, from personal experience. You do not want to be the Yoko in a man's relationship with the Lord.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesI wish I knew a guy that put his neck on the line for me, I love a good hotel room, what Elena has feelings? who knew?
The Aretha Theory
Greg dumps Felicity because she is still hung up on Ben. Felicity convinces Meghan to take Julie, Elena and her out to a club to distract them from their problems with men. They all have a great time. Javier plans to propose to Samuel, and enlists Ben's help in picking out an engagement ring. Javier brings Ben to the club and forces Felicity and him to talk things over. Meghan interrupts the conversation and takes Felicity to a friend's market.
Favorite Quote
Ben: You know what that is?
Felicity: Yeah. It's a film canister.
Ben: No. It's a time machine.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesFelicity: Yeah. It's a film canister.
Ben: No. It's a time machine.
I love it when a boy realize that he has erred, "Ice Cream", staying up all night with a boy
Great Expectations (1)
Felicity's father accompanies her back to New York, where he is scheduled to work with the university. She grows tired of his constant intrusions, and panics when he announces that he may take a full-time job as a professor of surgery. Dr. Porter sends Felicity reeling with the news that he and her mother are separated. Ben and Felicity begin working the same shifts at Dean & DeLuca. Ben tells Sean that he was wrong to take his advice about not getting into a relationship with Felicity. Depressed after the university cuts the swim program, Ben convinces her to join him in blowing off some steam. They buy beer with his fake I.D. and break into the campus pool. They get caught by campus security and face expulsion. Julie rejects Erik's advances. However, he assures her that he truly cares about her music. She begins recording her demo, but learns from a technician that Erik has a reputation for preying on young singers. Ben advises Sean to tell Julie how he feels about her. Sean cannot work up the nerve to do this, but vows that he will get to it eventually. Ruby tries to help Noel improve his poor public speaking skills after he becomes a teaching assistant. However, she takes offense when he singles her out in class.
Favorite Quote
Oh frick the whole scene at the swimming pool
Why I love it in three words or phrasesI have that guy friend ugh, Sean with Julie is super frustrated, Ruby and Noel...ugh
Felicity returns to school to discover that one of the dorms has been shut down. Due to the lack of rooms, she must share resident advisor duties. Much to her horror, her roommate and co-resident advisor turns out to be Meghan. Elena and Noel decide to share an apartment. Felicity deals with the consequences of her decision to drive across the country with Ben. Although Ben spent much of the summer away in Mexico, he and Felicity are now a couple. Still extremely bitter, Noel and Julie lash out at them. Julie, also a victim of the housing shortage, moves into the loft with Sean and Ben. Ben assures Felicity that he is completely over Julie. Sean insists that Ben isn't ready for a relationship with Felicity, and continually pressures him to break up with her. Ben listens to one of Felicity's tapes to Sally. He is disconcerted to hear Felicity say that she might be in love with him.
Favorite Quote
Felicity: We're roommates again?
Meghan: That was kind of my reaction, except angrier and louder, and in between "we're" and "roommates," I added a word.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesMeghan: That was kind of my reaction, except angrier and louder, and in between "we're" and "roommates," I added a word.
so glad Felicity chose Ben, anticipation is a 5-letter word, Bennnnnnnnn!
Season 1
Felicity Was Here
Felicity concludes that it would be wrong to join Ben on the road trip, as she does not want to betray Julie. Noel offers her a ticket to Berlin, but she needs time to think it over. After Ben kisses her, she runs out in a panic and immediately accepts Noel's offer. Julie witnesses Felicity and Ben's flirtation. Elena sleeps with Dr. McGrath. She sneaks a peek at her exam and discovers that she didn't do very well, but after the night, the professor gives her an A.
Favorite Quote
Felicity: I can't be having this conversation, because I am the devil.
Ben: You keep saying you're the devil. I'll tell you what: you are not the devil.
Felicity: What if I am? Then what?
Ben: Then I'd still want you to come with me.
Felicity: You would not!
Ben: Yes I would.
Felicity: First of all, you would not want me to go with you if I were the devil. And secondly, it's not just us. There are other people involved.
Ben: Yeah, but I like you. I can't help it.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesBen: You keep saying you're the devil. I'll tell you what: you are not the devil.
Felicity: What if I am? Then what?
Ben: Then I'd still want you to come with me.
Felicity: You would not!
Ben: Yes I would.
Felicity: First of all, you would not want me to go with you if I were the devil. And secondly, it's not just us. There are other people involved.
Ben: Yeah, but I like you. I can't help it.
"Carmen's Habanera" is pretty sexy, who knew?, road-trips with boys are AWESOME!, Bennnnnnn!
Hot Objects
The dorm plans a party. Meghan informs Felicity that something is obviously going on between Julie & Ben. Felicity sees the two together at the party, and confronts Julie. Felicity meets floor mate Elena Tyler. A disc jockey accidentally plays one of Felicity's tapes to her friend Sally. Everyone hears a passage in which she talks about sex. A computer error forces Ben to take a drama class.
Favorite Quote
Felicity: Sally, I would only say this to you, so after you listen to this tape,
you have to erase it. But I can actually
picture what it might be like to be with a man for the first time, sexually. If
you're laughing at me right now, I don't blame you.
Why I love it in three words or phrasespainful cassette tape incident, gah, I can taste the pain, crushing for the world to see is so embarrassing
We meet Felicity Porter, a young girl that just finished high school, and who finally works up the nerve to ask Ben Covington, her longtime crush, to sign her yearbook. She makes an impulsive decision to attend college in New York City, to follow Ben, and she leaves her parents crushed, after abandoning her long-established plans to study medicine at Stanford. In NY, Felicity moves into the dorm and meets new friends, a standoffish girl Meghan, her resident advisor Noel, and aspiring guitar player Julie, as she's trying to find out more about Ben and get closer to him.
Favorite Quote
Dear Felicity,
Here it goes. I watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, and what was going on in your mind all that time when you were so quiet, just thinking. Drawing in your notebook. I should've just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you. But I admire you. Well, that makes me sound crazy, but I'm okay with that. So take care of yourself.
P.S. I would've said, "Keep in touch," but unfortunately, we were never in touch.
Why I love it in three words or phrasesHere it goes. I watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, and what was going on in your mind all that time when you were so quiet, just thinking. Drawing in your notebook. I should've just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you. But I admire you. Well, that makes me sound crazy, but I'm okay with that. So take care of yourself.
P.S. I would've said, "Keep in touch," but unfortunately, we were never in touch.
following a boy, oh Ben ye of the mixed signal, heart-breaking
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