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Each month, a different nonfiction blogger will post a topic for discussion, which we’ll post a link to here. To participate, write up a response to their topic — as long or short as you’d like — for your blog at any time during the month. Please also leave a link to your response at the original topic post so the host can write up a wrap-up at the end of the month.
April's topic
I'm just going to focus on one little book called The Secret Life of Beer.
Here's what the back says:
I did read it in one setting though.
Here's what the back says:
Discover the mysteries of the fermented beverage, revealed at last in this intriguing book of cultural history, poetry, song, little-known facts, and quirky quotes by beer drinkers from Nietzsche to Darwin.This is one of those little chunky books that you can buy at the front of Barnes and Noble, while you wait in line and it used to sit on the coffee table in my husband's living room before we were married. I, for one, that I was going to skim through some Beerfest-esque beer knowledge. While stuff like that is in this little guy, it also contains pertinent information about how beer influences every aspect of our lives.
I did read it in one setting though.
I'm always tempted by those little books on different topics. There's lots of fun stuff in them. And definitely quirky!