Monday, July 30, 2012


So, school starts in a couple of weeks, I have meetings and such this week and next. I have to get my classroom organized. I have to clean my house. I have to read more books, especially those on my summer list!

In short...

I have to take a break from blogging for the next few days. Be back on Sunday to talk about Infinite Jest and the joys/pains of teaching, watching/reading about the Olympics, living in a country where good 'Christian' churches refuse to marry black couples and so on...'Talk amongst yourselves'.


  1. Have a great "break" from blogging. I don't think sarcasm translates well certainly does not sound like a "break" from a lot of other things...I love your image. I collect images. Is this one that I might save to use at a future date????

    Happy Blogging Break!

    1. i usually just google a phrase is the hopes of finding an image that i want and if there is a source for the image (like someone created it and is letting people use it or if the person who is using the image actually sourced where it came from) than i'll cite the source. i find that it's really hard to give credit for sources like clipart. if you know of a way to do that please tell me...i don't know where the true origins of the above image. i collect images as a teacher, you never know when you'll need something!

  2. Have fun anticipating the new school year. That is one of the wonderful things about teaching--you start over every year with new students, renewed energy, and new ideas.

    1. I have to totally agree and it is this that keeps so many of us from suffering from permanent burn out!



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