Reading Mindy Kaling's book really put me in a mood...a girly paint my toenails pink, squeal and watch sappy movies kind of mood. The next three books I'm going to review are so romance filled and gooshy that I just might explode thinking about them.
I'd be embarrassed to write about these books...if Mindy Kaling hadn't confessed that she "simply regard[s] romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world. Then I just lap it up." According to New York magazine, "Kaling's goal is to write the classic romantic comdey for her generation, where women are as into the NBA and true crime as they are into searching for love or the perfect pair of shoes." I'd watch that.
But, back to this lovely book (and, hopefully, lovely movie *fingers crossed* haven't seen it yet!) by Nick Sparks.

And, then there's this book.
Sure, it has death. Don't want to give anything away, but, the initial reason it all happens has to do with a death, and then there's some more death and then there's a big death at the end.
But, I don't mind in this case.
Because there's all this schmoopiness. There's a life-saving heroic dog and a 'meet cute' involving a kennel and lack of AC. There's an adorable little son and a eccentric grandmother. And, then there's Zac Efron. I mean sure he's not in the book, per se, but it's really easy to imagine him as Logan--yowza.
In the desert of Iraq, Logan finds this picture of a girl standing by a summer fair carousel. His best friend tells him that he's 'the lucky one' and it is this picture that saves him countless times. Logan begins to believe him, and, after one tragic event, walks across the country using only the picture of the girl as his guide to find her.
Of course, there he meets some difficulties. There's the controlling douche-bag ex-husband and Elizabeth's fear of commitment. And, there's the fact that for some reason, Logan doesn't want to tell her how he came to find her.
Seriously, I love this book.
If you are looking for a sugary sweet, yet, realistic tale of fate and destiny and love. This is the book for you. And, it was just the right book to read while waiting for the plane to land in Las Vegas so I could begin my Spring Break.
Wait, I have some more confessions...
I like The Twilight Saga...I don't think it's real, but I do think it's fun and I know the words to about 99% of all Britney Spears songs.
Whew! I feel lighter!
Sounds like a good vacation read!
ReplyDeleteI've yet to read Nick Sparks book. I've seen one or two of the movies made from them, and for the reasons you've listed about I've avoided the books. Still, I told myself I would try to read one, so maybe this will be it.